Friday, July 11, 2014

Pawsitively Pets Nominated as a Petties 2014 Finalist

Last night, I got word that Pawsitively Pets is a finalist for the 2014 Petties Pet Blog Awards. I can't begin to tell you just how thrilled and excited I am to be a finalist in not just one category, but two categories! My blog is nominated along with some other really amazing blogs.

These nominations for Pawsitively Pets do not come without some drama, however. You see at first, Pawsitively Pets was not on the list. Apparently, there was an error and finalist ballots were incorrect. After the error was noticed, voting was closed and the finalist list was revised. I feel horrible to see a few pet blogs no longer on the list that I had been rooting for... and I'm happy to see at least one blog now on the list that I had been nominating. Honestly, I am just not sure what to say about how this all unfolded.

Nonetheless, I am now nominated for "Best Overall Pet Blog" and "Best Designed Blog". I am very excited to be in the Best Overall Pet Blog category. I feel that Pawsitively Pets really fits the category description:

"A blog that showcases all that is pets and offers readers a little bit of everything on our furry friends."

This is the category I had initially hoped to be nominated for.

What came as the biggest surprise to me is Pawsitively Pets' nomination for "Best Designed Blog". I mean, I guess it shouldn't surprise me too much since my header was created by the wonderful Glogirly, after all. I even nominated her own blog for Best Designed Blog. So a big thanks to Glogirly for helping me create the perfect look for my blog.

And a big thanks to those of you who nominated Pawsitively Pets - I really appreciate it! The best part is that we will receive a $1000 donation to the animal shelter or rescue of our choice if we win. Right now, I'm thinking about the organization I would support if I were to win, and I have some ideas.

If you'd like to vote for us in the 2014 Petties Awards, just click here. Even if you don't vote for us, please be sure to vote for your favorites! Thanks guys! 


  1. CONGRATS! You've got my votes! Woop woop! I've been MIA because of all the wedding stuff, but I'm baaaa-aaack! I've always thought you were pretty awesome and write great posts. Your pictures are getting really good too! You definitely have all things pet related here! I really hope you win. You deserve it :)

  2. Well done, Ann, you do deserve it! There was one heck of a mess with the nominating I guess!! Glad it is now sorted. Will go and vote :)

    1. I know, and I have a lot of mixed feelings. I just can't imagine being in someone else's position right now :(

  3. Congrats on your nomination and we voted earlier. I was shocked to see my other blog in there since we didn't get an email or any notice.

    1. I got a very generic email so I was surprised to. I didn't get one telling me I was finalist, but that they had changed. I'll be voting for Forever Home Wanted! I had been nominating you for that category.

  4. Congratulations, Ann!
    So well-deserved. It's unfortunate that the Petties created so much drama, but we're really thrilled for you!
    : )

  5. Congrats, congrats! You deserve it :)

  6. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

  7. Strange, very strange all that Petties Award mess : it’s sad, because it doesn’t look much like a credible award anymore for this year. They could have apologize, whatever is the reason of this disorder, concerned bloggers would have been less disappointed with it. We’re glad you don’t belong to that unfortunate group ! Concatulations ! We wish you all the best ! Purrs

    1. I agree that this is going to have some sort of effect on the award's credibility... it is quite sad for those. They did offer an apology on Facebook, but nothing really personal to the bloggers affected. Or perhaps sent out a warning before this announcement.

  8. shiner & mom...conga rats two ewe on yur nomiantionz !!! thiz iz awesum, best fishes two ewe & we R veree happee for ewe....shiner...we think thiz calls for biscuits all round......uh, on second thought, we will haz sum sardeenz !!

    heerz two a longfinned smelt kinda week oh end ♥

  9. Your blog is awesome and you so deserve this nomination. We are running over to vote! Paws crossed!

  10. Congratulations, Ann, you deserve it! Keep reminding us to vote!

  11. Congratulations on your two noms! Since we're both up for Best Designed Blog, I can't vote for you but happy to vote for your Best Pet Blog category.

    1. Thank you Layla! Congratulations to you as well and good luck to you too :) So many wonderful blogs in the list of finalists!

  12. Miss Ann, I am SO glad you made it into the "Best Overall Pet Blog" category! I have been nominating you for that since LAST year's Petties!! You are absolutely the BEST overall pet blog in my book! We enjoy coming here and reading all your great posts...even the ones on pet rats (you know how Ma is a little freaked out by rats). I will be voting for you and I HOPE you WIN!
    *high paws*

  13. big congrats!! heading over there now to vote!

  14. We are voting for you! Hugs and nose kisses

  15. We are thrilled for your nominations and wish you the best!!! Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

    1. Thank you Deb, and same to you! Congratulations :) and good luck of course!

  16. Congratulations, Ann! We are so proud of you, and we will be voting! :)


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