Sunday, January 13, 2013

Finn McCool the Magic Leprechaun Cat: Author of Irish Holiday Fairy Tales

Have you ever heard of such a thing as a magic leprechaun cat? I hadn't until I was granted the wonderful opportunity to review a charming book written by one. His name is Finn McCool and he's a ginger tabby leprechaun cat.

The book is called "Irish Holiday Fairy Tales" and features three whimsical short stories written by Finn himself. Irish Holiday Fairy Tales is published on high quality glossy paper and has some wonderful illustrations by Cheyenne Booker.

The short stories included in the book include tales from St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, and Christmas. I will admit that I am not a buff when it comes to Irish history and traditions. In fact, after reading Irish Holiday Fairy Tales, I realize how little I actually know about the Irish. I learned so much just from reading Finn McCool's stories! Finn also adds a fun twist to the stories by adding in some magic leprechaun cats, all of whom are his distant Irish relatives.

Each story is truly heartwarming. Always, the magic leprechaun cats come to the rescue and saves the day. The three stories in Irish Holiday Fairy Tales also have a wonderful lesson to be learned. With St. Patrick's Day around the corner, it's a must-have book!

Irish Holiday Fairy Tales also includes a little background about Finn McCool, which is a wonderful story in itself and may just be my favorite part of the book. It tells the story of how Finn's mother, Lady Angel, sacrificed her life so that her kitten may live.

This book would be perfect for children. In fact, my 8 year old daughter, Lily, was first to snatch it up and start reading it before I even had the chance! It's also a great read for adults.

What I really love about Finn McCool's book is that the profits help support his "Fairy Cat Mother", Karen Lynch's cat rescue - Florida Cause for Paws. From Finn about Florida Cause for Paws:
"My stories have brought a little magic to the lives of readers around the world. But they serve a more important purpose. Every year millions of cats and kittens are euthanized because no one wants them. I am a spokescat for Florida Cause for Paws. It is my job not just to write great stories everyone enjoys, but to help people understand the need to care for animals of all kinds. For Florida Cause for Paws it is cats and kittens we rescue and care for in our shelter. Some are lucky and find wonderful forever homes, but those that do not, for whatever reason, always have a home with us."
The kitties at Florida Cause for Paws depend on Karen, the Fairy Cat Mother, to fund the Florida Cause for Paws almost completely by herself. She does so partially by selling Finn's awesome stories.

If you would like to purchase Irish Holiday Fairy Tales, please visit Finn McCool's website here. There is also some pretty cool magic leprechaun cat merchandise available at Finn's Shop. And Finn has his own Facebook page as well!

Photo from Finn's Site


  1. That looks a great book, I haven't any little kids around now :(. It is so nice that the profits go to the shelter. Have a great Sunday xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Dear Molly and Alfie:
      Finn McCool here to be sayin' that me wonderful stories, they not only be for children they be for everyone. I be willin' ta bet they be bringin' a smile to yar face as well, indeed I do.
      Yar friend,
      Finn McCool, the Magic Leprechaun Cat

  2. Actually that sounds like a fun book for cat lovers.We hope it does well. Have a super Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Sounds wonderful! I will go check out that book right now! Having proceeds go to cat rescue is something I hold high respect for :)

    1. Thanks Marybeth, I am sure that Finn and his Fairy Cat Mother, Karen, are appreciative.

  4. That's truly awesome! The pic was so cute, just had to pin it to my kitty board. :) Happy Sunday!

    1. I saw that! Thanks for sharing. I agree, Finn is a really cute Leprechaun cat!

  5. Great review! I think I first heard about this book from Cat Wisdom 101 but I haven't read it. Thanks so much for the review!

    1. Thanks for reading the review Caren! I know you are a big reader of animal books.

  6. Finn McCool sounds like a pretty cool cat! And this book looks beautiful too :)

  7. Woof! Woof! LOVE the cover of the book. Golden Thanks for sharing. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  8. I think I'm gonna buy a book now. Thanks for the advice :)

    1. No problem, I hope you enjoy it! I was just informed that if you order directly from Karen, you get a book that was printed in Ireland!

  9. Looks like such a cute book! We love animal books over here.

  10. It sounds like a very nice little book =^.^=
    Thanks for the review!


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